EMS Workouts During Coronavirus: What Studios And Clients Need To Do


EMS Workouts During Coronavirus: What Studios And Clients Need To Do

Newspaper headlines are heavy with news about this COVID-19 and the rampant spread of the coronavirus is worrying all of us. One place where individuals commonly gather are EMS studios, gyms, health clubs and wellness centers.
We reached out to professionals to find out what we / you can do to limit the spread of COVID-19. Below are some recommendations provided

EMS studio owners

EMS studios owners, managers and personal trainers can do a couple of things to inform customers about ways to help prevent the spread of any illness. This type of awareness, plus access to sufficient amounts of cleaning supplies benefits all individuals.

So what are we doing? Surely most of you already practiced daily cleaning to keep your EMS studios spotless, but during these times and afterwards, you may consider new policies in place for your customers and employees.

—> post signs that people who are sick (fever with or without a cough, nauseous, sore throat, chills) should not book EMS sessions and should call their doctor for testing and possible quarantine processes to slow the spread to those who will suffer most (those lacking immunity,

senior citizens)

—> consider posting a sign about people sneezing into their upper arm or into a tissue, rather than in their hands

—> increase supplies: alcohol-based sanitizers, tissues, soap, disinfecting wipes and anything else you can think of

—> enhance cleaning procedure as a proactive measure to stop the spread of any germs

—> make sure to have a bleach handy to clean common areas In your EMS studio

—> do a full sweep every 3 hours

EMS enthusiasts

Many of these recommendations should be done every single time they attend an EMS workout. Washing hands and using sanitizers should be a standard procedure to live by.

—> wash hands rigorously before and after your EMS workout – 20 seconds with soap

—> use the disinfecting tissues provided by the EMS studio to wipe down the EMS training suit before and after use

—> postpone your EMS workout if you’re feeling sick

These expected actions are in place for the safety of members and staff.

By respecting common sense measures, you play your part in shared hygiene and prevent any kind of germs from spreading to others.

While it is ordered everywhere in the world for all EMS studios to remain closed as of now, we look forward to continuing to serve our EMS community.

Once all EMS studios and facilities are reopened to the public, if you are feeling even slightly sick, we encourage and kindly ask you to stay at home. The same goes for staff members

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