How to start an EMS studio
The EMS industry has exploded in the past years and in the U.S., total revenues have already reached 1 million U.S. dollars last year.
Thanks to online marketing, more and more investors find out about this method of fighting obesity and improving your overall health, and they know how these facts can contribute to the market rise.
In addition, many of these EMS studios hire very little to no staff at all, which makes this business one with a low initial investment. So if you have the necessary skills and commitment, starting an EMS studio will most certainly prove to be a successful business idea.
Be clear on why you want to open an EMS studio
Having a clear vision will ensure you keep your focus, clarity and passion so that you can become a successful health centre.
Do your market research
Talk to other investors and find out what keeps them up and running.
Learn from both the successful and the failures so you can save your energy in the long run.
Get certified or certify your trainers
Your customers will be counting on you not just to determine them to look their best, but also to keep their bodies healthy and safe during the EMS sessions.
Identify your target clients and niche
Choose from the options below a niche that determines your future type of EMS studio:
- Traditional EMS studio
- Medical centre using EMS as a rehabilitation tool
- EMS centre also offering fitness classes such as aerobics, pilates, cycling and the list can go on
- EMS centre als ooffering wellness activities such as massage, spa, etc
- EMS studio incorporated in a beauty salon
- EMS mobile services
Find a location
Be clear on how many customers you will be able to serve on a daily basis and according to that, determine how much space do you need for your EMS studio.
Buy additional fitness accessories
Do your research and decide whether to buy new ones or second hand products.
Market your studio
Promote your EMS studio is spots your targeted clients spend time. It may sound simple, but it takes a lot otf work and consistency to grow a solid client base.
Each EMS studio will require different millestones to achieve until its opening.
Here are some general timelines you can use for your EMS studio planning:
3 months before you open your EMS studio:
—> begin planning and ask professionals for advice
—> start a business plan
—> decide which type of EMS studio you are going to have and your target market
—> estimate initial investment and operating costs
2 months before you open your EMS studio:
—> finish business plan and have a clear image of your financial data
—> look for a location
—> handle all legal asdpects and any potential licenses
—> choose a name
1 month before you open your EMS studio:
—> double check all your data to make sure everything adds up and makes sense
—> finalize property rental documentation
—> implement local asvertising and online marketing plan
—> scout personal trainers and certify them for EMS
—> spread the word out to customers
1 week before you open your EMS studio:
—> finish preparations for the grand opening
—> follow-up on the last minute details
Once your studio launches, you’re ready to experience the most exciting moment: welcoming your first paying customers. As you’ll begin generating sales, focus on commiting to great customer service, training excellence and monthly growth rates.
Keep marching forward! We didn’t say starting an EMS studio would be easy, but we did say it would be worth it.